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Charles Copeland - Online Memorial Website

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Charles Copeland
Född i Illinois
85 years
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Billie J. (Book) Snider
You were a very caring and loving Uncle and , although I didn't get to come see you very often, I enjoyed talking with you and Aunt Opal. Going out to lunch with you two and driving down to Aunt Lucille's was a blast and we all enjoyed ourselves.  I have wonderful memories of you and will treasure them until I meet you again in Heaven.  Remember when we were young you would always bring us paper and little tablets form your work.  You loved to come to our Fish Fry every year when we had them and always asked "When is the next one?'  I'm so glad you knew the LORD and are really happy now and healed.  Tell my little Ravyn, Mother, and Michael I said "Hi" and I miss them very much.  I will miss you!!!  Hang in there Aunt Opal, Chuck and Robin- we'll probably meet him again sooner than we think.  Love ya all  Billie
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